Get Kinky Vote For Kinky Klown 2012 Catfight Dance Eat a Weiner
Oh Ya thanks KATE !
Vote Kinky, Vote often. Why not? Just say Kinky for 2012. See Him live FetCon 2012 in Tampa 🙂
The Kinky Platform;
1- A Chicken in every pot?, HELL NO…”a Weiner in every bun”. A certain Congressman should love that
2- “Grope reversal law”, aka, the “Airport Reach Around”. You get to crotch pat down the TSA after they do you. Kids get twos-ies and a Lollipop. I mean if these legal Pedos are going to feel up your Kids TSA should at least give them f_cking candy like a real sleaze bag pedo would !
3- “Legalize nude sky diving”. Why? I dream things that never were and say why not !
4- Running mates named “Spitzer Weiner or Weiner Spitzer get a premature endorsement”.
We just know they are going to dink things up BIG TIME !
5- “Legalize Prostitution on Sundays”. Why should Choir Boys have to do it for free?
6- “Lesbians eat free” Simple enough right?
7- “1st Orgy in Space”. Put America back in Orbit
8- “Fire all the 37 Czars and replace them with 37 Hookers”, 50-50 Male Female all BI. Look if Congress insists on F_cking around all the time might as well put it in their job description.
9- “Running Mates, Playboy’s Shannon Twins”
10- “STAFF” Craig Ferguson Secretary of Statements [Good Talker and kinda funny like most Scotsmen are] , Bubba the Love Sponge – Communications Secretary [Revenge is a Bitch!], Jessie Ventura – Secretary of WAR [He’d get er done with honour], Willy Nelson Secretary of Hemp and other important Agriculture stuff [perfect fit], Criss Angel Secretary of Space [he should be able to get us back in space economically] Alex Jones, Secretary of Urban Legends [HEY I gotta keep an eye on this guy by keeping him close], Max Keiser Secretary of Banker Beheadings [and other important financial stuff], Hugh Hefner and the Shannon Twins will take care of all the rest.
AND Kinky’s BIG promise; “I swear I’ll play lots with my BALLS” just like each and every one of the 44 Presidents before me! Both on and off the Golf course 🙂 ! SO sing along with Kate Smith bust a lung for “God Bless America”
Now by the way some of you may ask how come you got Jerry Lewis in this? Well it’s kinda a ying and yang type deal. You got your nasty mean dick in your face Weiner Jew, and nicey nice Kid loving Jerry,the Jesus kinda Jew who by the way 80 million French men also love…just thought I’d mention it so my fav Jew Commedian doesn;t think I’m picking on him.