All videos for the tag : Singer (2 videos)

  • CURSO DE COMBATE ESCÉNICO Actuaron: Victoria Brugger y Belén Giannini Equipo Técnico: Santiago Ventura Javier Ventura Valentina Aldecosea Alfonso Cretenze Christian Torrado Agustín Stagno Pia Goncalvez Andrés Baptista Elección Musical: Flavio Pazos chesterFilms © | Facebook: Twiter: Gracias por los comentarios y no se olviden que los LIKE´s hacen mas y mejor chester. Suscribite para…

  • Nonpoint “Miracle”

    . Nonpoint “Miracle”. Nonpoint was formed in January 1997 by drummer Robb Rivera, vocalist Elias Soriano, guitarist Andrew Goldman and bassist Kenneth “KB” MacMillan, The band rose to popularity in the burgeoning South Florida metal scene of the mid-late ’90s. They went on the first ever Great American Rampage Tour. On December 1, 2007 at…